Note from Pastor Mark When I look at the calendar and see 2022, it is hard to imagine where the last two years have gone. It feels like only yesterday we were shutting down in-person gatherings for two weeks, which turned into 12 months, which turned into a pandemic, which is hopefully diminishing after two years. A lot has happened, a lot was missed, and God has remained faithful. I am excited for what is in store for 2022, and as the weather warms and new life springs forth, I sense the same at Neighborhood Church. God is moving. We are praying, listening, and working towards a greater move of the Holy Spirit. Will you pray with us for God to move powerfully? Will you participate actively in what God is doing? I hope your answer is a resounding “Yes!” MINISTRIESWorship Leader: Melanie Neely, [email protected] We are a diverse community of followers of Jesus Christ, empowered by His Spirit with one heart and one mind to invite and lead in declaring His worth. The Neighborhood Church Worship & Production team continues to lift high the name of Jesus through our in-person and online services. This January and February, our Director of Worship, Mel Neely, continued to lead our dedicated team of vocalists and instrumentalists and coordinated with guest worship leader, Adaora, and guest instrumentalists, Daniel and Kingsley, to lead worship twice a month during our Sunday Gatherings. The team shared sermon focused devotionals led by Mel, Eric Peacock, Donna Brown and Adaora. Team members Tim Allen, Joseph Villacis and Tom Wissink shared their Jesus stories. It continued to be a joy to pray together each Thursday evening and Sunday morning. We welcomed Joseph Villacis as a vocalist to the team in early January. He brings talent and a beautiful heart for multicultural worship to the team. Our Worship & Production team met monthly under the leadership of Jeff Geraci and are looking forward to the Production room renovation that will take place in early April. Landon Neely is overseeing the renovation as his Eagle Project. BECAUSE of God’s faithfulness, our Worship Team is living on mission as a multi-ethnic, multigenerational team being transformed by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit and inviting the Neighborhood Church family to be launched on mission with them! Prayer Leader: Contact Mark Trinkl, [email protected] We will pray in relationship with God & to see our world transformed. (Matthew 6:9-13) Thank you to Joella and Eric Liddle for all of their faithful service in the prayer ministry. They have now transitioned to upstate New York to be closer to family. Thank you to Doris Wang for sending out ongoing prayer requests. We are praying for a prayer team to build and grow that would both pray on Sundays during the services and at other times throughout the weeks and months. If interested, please contact Mark Trinkl. Neighborhood Kids Leader: Karin Sauder, [email protected] A safe place for children to know Jesus, grow in Jesus & learn to go share Jesus. In January, Neighborhood Kids went to three classes this month: Tiny Kids (birth to PreK), Little Kids (K-2), and Big Kids (3-5). Volunteers really stepped up to cover the increase in classes. Large group continues all together with small groups splitting off afterward. A thanks goes to Kari Wong for the Tiny Kids toy overhaul. February was the first full month of three Neighborhood Kids classes, and we are off to a great start. Volunteers are doing an excellent job. Petra Spencer and Kat Sauder are our newest volunteers. Happy Milestone 70th birthday to Bonnie Wissink, one of our Neighborhood Kids Rock Stars! At the end of the month, Karin and Bonnie went to an Orange Curriculum seminar on “The Future of the Church”. Neighborhood Youth Leader: Tim Allen, [email protected] A place for teens to meet Jesus, know Jesus & be encouraged to share Jesus. Neighborhood Youth has ten students attending the LIFE2022 Conference this summer! In January, all students were encouraged to write support letters to friends and family, and in February, the church generously participated in the envelope fundraiser. A huge thank you again to everyone that took an envelope and donated the amount indicated! Neighborhood Groups Leader: Jen Ashby, [email protected] Our primary venue for making friends, inviting God's transformation through Scripture and prayer, and living on mission together. Our winter/spring semester is up and running with two in-person groups and four virtual groups, and around 60 people participating. Registration is still open for several of our groups, so it's not too late to jump in! More details are available on our Neighborhood Groups page. Missions Team Leader: Jen Ashby, [email protected] We are launched on His mission from our neighborhoods to the nations. (Acts 1:8) On the local level, we held a baby bottle campaign in January for Shady Grove Pregnancy Center and provided monthly bagged breakfasts to the Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless. Preparations are underway for the fifth season of the Derwood Farmers Market that kicks off on April 23. On the global level, our France missions trip team has been preparing and was commissioned on February 27. That trip is scheduled for March 4-14. Plans are underway for our next Global Encounters March 19-20. See the Global Encounters page for details and to RSVP. Connections Team Leader: Contact Jen Ashby, [email protected] We will be a community that is authentic, transparent & creates space for real relationships (Acts 2:42) Our welcome team is recalibrating to cover both worship services, 9am and 10:30am, starting March 13. With the lifting of the county mask mandate, we will also begin offering coffee after both services. Please join us in praying for a welcome team leader and contact Jen Ashby for more information. LEADERSHIPStaff: Mark Trinkl, Jen Ashby, Tim Allen, Linnea Allen, Melanie Neely, Karin Sauder & Dana Zetterberg Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The staff manages Neighborhood Church ministry teams. The staff of Neighborhood Church continues to develop all of the ministries through prayer, vision casting, recruiting, adjusting and trusting God to work. We are so grateful for the longevity of the staff and adding Karin Sauder as our Children's Ministry Director. We believe God has positioned us to build Neighborhood Church and are praying and trusting God to bring in a great harvest. The staff continues to meet weekly and will be going on a staff retreat March 20-23. Please be praying for a rich time of connecting with God and one another. Elders: Mark Trinkl, Evan Homan, Steve Beardsley, Mark Neely, Jim Mullen & Keith Luse Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to Neighborhood Church. The elders continue to meet monthly to pray and shepherd the congregation. We also believe the primary way we care for one another is in our Neighborhood Groups. If you would like prayer for healing or other care, the Elders are available. Simply contact Mark Trinkl. Board of Governance (BOG) Chairman: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] Vice-Chairman: Evan Homan, [email protected] The Board of Governance (BOG) sets boundaries for the Pastor. The Board will be meeting March 16 for their quarterly meeting which focuses on connecting with people, culture and community. There are no major decisions being made at this board meeting but discussions are being had about purchasing the house next door, Pastor Mark’s Sabbatical, and general ministry related topics. We are thankful for the Board and their faithful oversight of Neighborhood Church. UPCOMING DATESFeast of Nations: March 19, 5pm-7pm
Chili Cook Off LIFE Fundraiser: March 29, 6:30pm-8:30pm District Youth Retreat: April 22-24 Annual Spring Carnival: April 16, 10am-1pm Worship & Prayer Night: April 3, 6:30pm-8:30pm Comments are closed.
October 2024
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