Note from Pastor Mark As lead pastor, Pastor Mark leads the church within the boundaries set by the BOG. What an eventful month it has been as we have continued to seek God’s heart for the transformation of our neighbors, co-workers, friends, and families. We continue to pray that we will see a minimum of 12 people’s lives transformed by Jesus by the end of this year. Please know that the staff continues to pray for the names that were submitted. We believe that we will have many opportunities to celebrate as lives are transformed. Just this past weekend there was much excitement around DAC. Jen Ashby wrote, “Our annual spring carnival on March 31 saw an increase from 540 in 2017 to 997 people on campus this year! Over 40 DAC volunteers joined forces to make this possible. At least two families joined us for worship on Easter Sunday after encountering us for the first time the day before at the spring carnival. DAC is becoming the place to be in the neighborhood!” As we continue to seek God’s heart for the good of our community and world, we will launch the Derwood Market in partnership with Milk Lady Market on April 21st. This is an incredible opportunity to both serve and get to know our community. Please pray for God to bring his transformation in our lives and beyond and that we will be willing to share the hope we have in Jesus in all avenues of our lives. Prayer (Praying for a Team Leader) We desire to be a church that prays eagerly. For the month of March, we asked you to take one day to fast from one meal and pray for one hour for people to come to know Jesus. We saw many people take this on and are continuing to pray for transformation. During our Sunday Gatherings, the prayer room is open to go and pray by yourself or with others. We are also seeking out a point person to raise the temperature of prayer in and beyond DAC. Would you consider being this person? If you are interested, please contact Pastor Mark. Pastor Mark - [email protected] Worship Team The Music and A/V team provide a quality and distraction free environment to worship Jesus Christ. If you are interested in joining the worship team, please talk to Hector Ayerdiz. If you have interest in joining the A/V team, contact Matthew Sutton. Hector Ayerdiz – [email protected] Matthew Sutton – [email protected] Missions Team The Missions Team helps launch us on mission. If you are interested in volunteering to serve at an event or on the mission’s team, which encompasses both global and local missions, contact Laura Hessler. Local: We continue to serve around Montgomery County and are excited for the launch on the Farmers Market on April 21st. If you would like to volunteer, click here. Global: The November 2018 missions team to El Salvador is being finalized! This trip is open to adults and teens. Contact Emily Harr for more information. Laura Hessler - [email protected] Emily Harr – [email protected] Explorers Children’s Ministry Children are at the prime age for connecting with Jesus, and we love engaging them with prime ministry! During late February and early March, the children got to meet Mr. John and Mrs. Beverly, international workers to an African country, the Republic of Congo. They learned how people in the Congo eat, work, live, and learn about Jesus. They also got to hear from an international worker to the Hmong people. The month's teaching theme was "Jump Ball" and focused on keeping peace in the madness of life. We really love ministering to the children in our church, and the blessing of watching them grow in life and in their various stages of relationships with God. Vision Youth Ministry Vision Youth is a vital part of training up the younger generation of disciples and leaders. The students have continued their study of the book of John and experienced growth in the youth worship team! Please be praying for our youth and leaders as we look forward to our upcoming District Youth Retreat (DYR). Tim Allen – [email protected] Small Groups Small groups are a great place to make friends, pray, study the Bible, and live on mission. Our winter/spring small groups had over 60 adults participating in small groups and are wrapping up in March and April. Stay tuned for a mid-sized group that will be offered in May-June. Jen Ashby – [email protected] Connections Team At DAC, we value authentic community and our Connections Team plays a big part in connecting us in community. Please continue to pray that we do a good job in connecting guests with the church. Wendy Geraci – [email protected] Building and Grounds God has given us a great location and property and we strive to be good stewards of these gifts. If you are interested in helping care for our property, contact Mark Neely. Mark Neely - [email protected] Good Friday Service On the 30th, DAC joined four other congregations at First Alliance Church in Silver Spring for a Good Friday service. It was a meaningful time to reflect on the magnitude of our sin and Christ’s sacrifice. We also experience a great time connecting with others from local Alliance churches. We are actively pursuing and apprenticing new leaders. We desire to be a church that empowers people into servant leadership positions. If you are interested in discovering how you can use your gifts in abilities at DAC, please let us know. Staff The staff manages ministry and meets weekly. The staff continues to meet on a regular basis to pray, plan, and pursue after the mission of being a multi- ethnic, multi-generational church being transformed by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit and launched on mission. Elders The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to DAC. DAC’s elders meet monthly for a time of prayer and discussion on how to best provide care for the church. Please pray with us. Also, if you ever need prayer, please let the elders know through your Sunday Prayer Card. They would love to pray for and with you. Current Elders: Mark Trinkl, Evan Homan, Eric Zetterberg, Steve Beardsley, Kyle Ott, Andrew Black, and Mark Neely Mark Trinkl – [email protected] Board of Governance (BOG) The Board of Governance sets boundaries for the Pastor and meets quarterly. On March 12th, the Board met to discuss connecting culturally and review the principles, monitoring performance, and connecting with Christ. We looked at a website about current trends in the teen world ( It is a challenge to continue to face unique generational challenges but we believe God will lead us forward in seeing all generations transformed by Jesus. The Board was also excited to see that we are meeting our budget for the year! Praise God for all your generosity! Current BOG: Mark Trinkl (Chairman), Evan Homan (Vice Chair), Jim Mullen (Treasurer), Eric Zetterberg (Secretary), Andrew Black, Steve Beardsley, Sarah Luse, Trudy Schwarz. Evan Homan – [email protected] Neighborhood Prayer Walk – April 18, 7pm-8:30pm
Derwood Farmers Market – Saturdays, April 21-September 29 District Youth Retreat – April 27-29 |
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