NOTE FROM PASTOR MARK As lead pastor, Pastor Mark leads the church within the boundaries set by the BOG. Early Wednesday morning I arrived back with a team of people from Cambodia. It was an incredible trip with the organization Remember Nhu. To see what they are doing to prevent children from being sex trafficked, to look into the faces of these beautiful children, and to hear the workers hearts for those at risk was a fresh reminder of God’s heart of love and justice for what the world considers the least. To go, for even a small window of time to a different country, vastly different culture, and see how God is at work is life changing. My hope and prayer is for the team and the church, through trips like this, is to be exposed to God’s mission in many forms, and to develop an even greater heart for the world both in our neighborhood and to the nations. God is at work and I hope you are excited to be a part of it! PRAYER We want to pray eagerly as prayer is first about a relationship with God and second transforming our world. Thank you to all who attended the prayer night on June 7th! We focused on praying for the Cambodia missions team and for persecuted Christians globally. We are taking a month off from meeting at the church in July and are encouraging families to spend time praying together at home during July. The next prayer night will be during Global Encounters on Wednesday, August 7th from 7-8:30. Every Sunday, the prayer room next to the sanctuary is open during both services for anyone who would like to pray specifically over the services as they happen. Praises and prayer requests are sent out weekly from the Connect cards collected at each service, and if you would like a request to be sent out during the week, you can submit a prayer or praise on the church website from the sign up page. Joella Liddle – [email protected] Eric Liddle - [email protected] WORSHIP We want to worship in all we do as we are designed to worship God as a way of life. The worship and A/V team do a great job with providing an environment for this local body of believers to worship together. We are excited to be adding new members to the worship and A/V team. If you would like to be a part of helping others worship Jesus, contact Hector Ayerdiz or Matthew Sutton. Hector Ayerdiz, Worship Director – [email protected] Matthew Sutton, A/V Team Leader – [email protected] MISSIONS TEAM The Missions Team helps launch us on mission. Our missions team met on June 18. Locally, the Derwood Farmers Market is over 1/3 of the way through our 2019 season, and the market is going strong economically and relationally. Luke Wong is doing a great job managing volunteers. Thank you, Luke! To learn more about volunteering at the market, contact Luke through our website. On June 9, DAC celebrated 5 years of partnership with Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless by hosting MCCH client, Ms. Marriott, in our worship services, serving a meal in the menu and mode of the emergency shelter, continuing our conversation over lunch, and collecting all the items for a move-in kit. Our team of 11 left for Cambodia to serve with Remember Nhu, and we prayed God’s will would be done on this trip! The trip participants are: Mark Trinkl, Nels Anderson, Luz Ragland, Eric & Deborah Bennett, Matthew Sutton, Terry Ncube, Erick West, Doris Wang, Holly Mullen, & Megan Ellis. Jen Ashby – [email protected] EXPLORERS CHILDREN'S MINISTRY A place for children to explore God’s world and Word and to make friends. Explorers are continuing their summer series, “Power Up,” through ThinkOrange. Parents, check out the ParentCue App offered by ThinkOrange. It’s a great resource as you desire to seek God in parenting. Coming up on September 1st is Promotion Sunday where students will move into their new classrooms. Bethany Clemmons - [email protected] VISION YOUTH MINISTRY A place to meet Jesus, continue to know Jesus & be encouraged to share Jesus. June concluded Vision’s study on Acts and the beginning of the church. It also held the last LIFE fundraiser for the group headed to Orlando. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the various fundraisers over the year and/or gave generous donations towards this trip! We have been praying the students would encounter God in a new way during this conference. Tim Allen – [email protected] SMALL GROUPS Our primary venue for making friends, inviting God's transformation through Scripture and prayer, and living on mission together. Our summer subject-based group, "The New Testament You Never Knew" got started and is meeting on Wednesdays in June and July. Our activity-based "Women's Crafting Group" continues every other Saturday. And a summer group, "MOM (Maker of Me)," for moms of children birth-5th got started in June as well. For more information on any of these groups, see our website. Summer is also a great time to take advantage of all the video resources on RightNow Media. Don't have a free RightNow Media account? Let the church office now, and we will get you connected! Jen Ashby – [email protected] CONNECTIONS TEAM We desire authentic community and want to create space for transparency and real relationships. Whether you’re a regular attender or new to the church, we want you to feel connected! And knowing you are welcomed is the first step towards cultivating authentic community. If you enjoy inviting friends to your own home and meeting new people, consider joining this great team by contacting Wendy Geraci. Wendy Geraci – [email protected] BUILDINGS & GROUNDS God has given us a great location and property. We strive to be good stewards of these gifts. Thank you for everyone who continues to serve and take on small and large projects along the way! It is greatly appreciated. If you would like to help with B&G, please let Mark Neely know. CHURCH NAME CHANGE It was announced in January’s Annual Meeting, Derwood Alliance Church is looking to change its name to better reflect our vision and mission, to avoid confusion with another local church, and to be positioned to multiply into other neighborhoods in the future. In June, a survey was sent out to the church and community to discuss the new name, Neighborhood Church. Thank you to everyone who gave their thoughts and feedback! All of your input is being considered by the BOG and Elders as we move forward in this process. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT
We continue to pursue apprenticing people in all areas of ministry. We desire to be a multiplying church, and to do this we must have a multiplying mindset of training and releasing more people into ministry. If you are not currently serving, we would love to help you discover your giftedness and where God would like to place you. Check out this page on our website. STAFF The staff manages ministry teams and meets weekly. The staff continues to meet on a regular basis for prayer and planning. Please pray alongside us that God will work in supernatural ways through DAC. ELDERS The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to DAC and meet on a monthly basis. There is a great group of Elders who are serving and praying for you faithfully. If you ever would like prayer for any reason, we would love to pray for you. Mark Trinkl – [email protected] BOARD OF GOVERNANCE (BOG) The Board of Governance (BOG) sets boundaries for the Pastor and meets minimum quarterly. The Board met on June 10th for our quarterly meeting to talk through accountability and updating the Guiding Principles. We will meet on July 15th to continue discussions about the name change and other matters. Please pray for all in leadership as we continue to discern God’s heart for DAC and beyond. Chairman Mark Trinkl – [email protected] Vice-Chairman Evan Homan – [email protected] |
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