NOTE FROM MARK Hello 2024! Can you believe we are almost one quarter of the way through the 2000’s? Oh how quickly time flies. It was 100 years ago this year that my great-grandparents and grandma immigrated to the United States through Ellis Island. My grandmother is now 102 years old! I am reminded of God’s faithfulness from one generation to the next. I am on the receiving end of so many blessings that are beyond me and have come to me from the generations before me The song ‘The Blessing” ( reminds me of this. I would encourage you to take some time to listen to this song and hear God’s blessing to you that flows from one generation to the next and may you be a blessing to the generations! MINISTRIESNEIGHBORHOOD KIDS Karin Sauder, [email protected] A safe place for children to meet Jesus, know Jesus & learn to share Jesus. Neighborhood Kids wishes everyone a very happy and healthy New Year! We also hope you are staying warm! In January, the Little Kids continued moving through the story of the Bible with some great stories and fun crafts. The Big Kids continued our study of “What’s in the Bible” by looking at the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. We are thrilled to announce the birth of our newest Neighborhood Kid, Frederick Winter! Congratulations to Tim and Katie, and we can’t wait to get to know him. Our volunteers are amazing, and committed to teaching your kids the Truth. Welcome to our newest volunteer, Nurten Karasen. Passing on our faith to the next generation is vitally important and valuable. Why don’t you think about joining us? NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH Tim Allen, [email protected] A place for teens to meet Jesus, know Jesus & be encouraged to share Jesus. Despite a slower start to the new year due to weather, Neighborhood Youth still enjoyed the time we were able to gather together in fellowship and studying God’s word. The group started a RightNow Media study on the book of James led by Francis Chan. WORSHIP & PRODUCTION TEAM Mel Neely, [email protected] We are a diverse community of followers of Jesus Christ, empowered by His Spirit with one heart and one mind to invite and lead in declaring His worth. The Neighborhood Church Worship & Production team continues to lift high the name of Jesus through our in person and online services. This month Mel Neely and Adaora led worship during our Sunday services along with our dedicated team of instrumentalists and vocalists. On Thursday evenings the team engaged with material focusing on our 40 Days of Prayer series. These times were led by Mel. We shared praises and prayer requests, praying for each other and over Neighborhood Church. Praise him with the tambourine and dancing; praise him with strings and flutes! Praise him with a clash of cymbals; praise him with loud clanging cymbals. Let everything that breathes sing praises to the LORD ! Praise the LORD ! Psalm 150: 4-6 An important update on our Production Team from Mel Neely: First, a huge thank you to our Jeff Geraci for faithfully leading our production team for over two years and much like Evan Homan’s role on the board, Jeff has served on the production team since Pentecost! Jeff expressed his desire to pass the baton of Production Team leadership and running sound in December 2023 and was hoping we could have the change in place by early to mid 2024. He will continue to serve on presentation (more on that to come)...thank you so much, Jeff! Jeff, Mark Trinkl and I began praying for God’s next steps for the production team. Mark and I agreed that I would take on leadership of the Production Team (continuing to schedule the team, serving as a spiritual leader, planning Production team meetings, overseeing production team purchases etc.) and have an overseer of Sound, an overseer for Presentation and Solomon continuing to oversee our Live Stream team (thank you, Solomon!). Jeff and I met with Bryan Patton in January and we are excited to report that Bryan has agreed to oversee our sound team moving forward! Bryan has years of experience, a degree and a HUGE heart for sound production, instrumentalists and vocalists. Please welcome, Bryan! Bryan will continue to serve with the band as well. Now back to Jeff...Jeff has agreed to oversee our Presentation! So here is the CliffsNotes version: Production Team Leadership Team:
We are thankful to have a truly multigenerational team with middle school, high school and adult volunteers working together to make our Sunday services in person and online possible. BECAUSE of God’s faithfulness, our Worship & Production Team is living on mission as a multi-ethnic, multigenerational team being transformed by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit and inviting the Neighborhood Church family to be launched on mission with them! NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS Mark Trinkl, [email protected] A place for making friends, inviting God's transformation through Scripture and prayer, and being launched on mission together. We are currently in our winter semester of groups with more than 80 adults participating in 7 different groups, covering a wide variety of topics. It is exciting to hear how people are building friendships, resonating with the topics, praying together and seeking out how to be launched on mission. We are hoping for each group to service at the Farmers Market once this spring as was way of being launched on mission together. We are also looking at adding another layer of discipleship, called Neighborhood Triads, to go deeper in relationship with God and two other people. MISSIONS TEAM Mark Trinkl, [email protected] To see the people of Neighborhood Church launched on mission to share and show Jesus from our neighbors to the nations. (Acts 1:8) We are so grateful for the generosity in 2023 to above and beyond missions giving of $45,944. Your generosity continues to help send people to some of the hardest areas in the world with the hope only found in Jesus. Coming up is Spring Global Encounters, March 1-3 as we welcome an international worker who is serving in the Middle East:
WELCOME TEAM Leader: Contact Rose Ojwiga, [email protected] We will be a community that is authentic, transparent & creates space for real relationships (Acts 2:42) Glory to God for the amazing work. The month of January went very well. As the welcome Team, we thank God for connecting the church with many visitors. On welcome Team two new people joined the desk. Lizbeth and Sarah. LEADERSHIPSTAFF Mark Trinkl, Tim Allen, Linnea Allen, Melanie Neely, Karin Sauder, Devin Calhoun, & Dana Zetterberg Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The staff manages Neighborhood Church’s ministry teams. At beginning of February, we welcomed Devin Calhoun on to staff as a Greenhouse Church Planting Resident. The hope is over the next two years he experiences and grows in ministry here at Neighborhood Church and then plants a church. ELDERS Mark Trinkl, Steve Beardsley, Mark Neely, Solomon Jack, Eric Peacock, Jeff Geraci, Tedd Mueller, Eric Zetterberg Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to Neighborhood Church. The Elders continue to meet on a monthly basis for prayer and spiritual care of people within the congregation. We are so grateful to be able to shepherd this congregation. We also would like to welcome Ted and Eric on to the Elder Board. If there is anything you ever need prayer for, please let us know. We are here to support you. BOARD OF GOVERNANCE Mark Trinkl (Chair),Steve Beardsley (Vice Chair), Matt Sale (Treasurer), Sarah Luse (Secretary), Angela Drumm, Eric Peacock, and Ted Mueller. The Board of Governance (BOG) sets boundaries for the Pastor. The Board will meet on March 11th for their quarterly meeting. UPCOMING EVENTS
October 2024
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