NOTE FROM PASTOR MARK As lead pastor, Pastor Mark leads the church within the boundaries set by the BOG. As I reflect on 2018, I am amazed at how far God has brought us as a church. It is exciting to see people being transformed by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and launched on mission. It is exciting to see ministries growing, financial giving increasing, and people excited to be a part of DAC. As we lean into what God has for us in 2019, my hope and prayer is for you to be a part of God’s great work here and beyond. For 2019, we are believing God for 12 people to say yes to Jesus for the first time. Jesus is still transforming lives and we want to be a part of that. We are also asking you to personally #sharejesus with your words and #showjesus with your actions. The more we #sharejesus & #showjesus the more opportunities we are giving others to say yes to Jesus. I believe the best is yet to come! PRAYER We want to pray eagerly as prayer is first about a relationship with God and second transforming our world. A Christian & Missionary Alliance core values states that, “prayer is the primary work of God’s people.” At DAC, we want to pray in a way that depends on God in all aspects of life. Eric and Joella Liddle are beginning to build a prayer team. If you have an interest in this ministry, be sure to contact them. Eric Liddle - [email protected] Joella Liddle – [email protected] WORSHIP We want to worship in all we do as we are designed to worship God as a way of life. The worship and A/V team do a great job with providing a distraction-free environment for this local body of believers to worship together. If you want to be a part of this integral behind-the-scenes service, contact Hector Ayerdiz or Matthew Sutton. Coming up on March 8 from 7pm-9pm, DAC will have a Worship Night. Mark your calendar and join us next month! Hector Ayerdiz, Worship Director – [email protected] Matthew Sutton, A/V Team Leader – [email protected] MISSIONS TEAM The Missions Team helps launch us on mission. The missions team met on January 7 and honored team leader Laura Hessler. Laura's last Sunday at DAC was January 27, and she is headed to California with our blessing. She will be dearly missed! The team has set its sights on increasing the number of team members and developing the next team leader by year's end. Jen Ashby will be leading in the meantime. Jen attended "Converge" in Colorado Springs January 13-17. This annual conference presented by the Global Link office of the Christian & Missionary Alliance is for missions point people in C&MA churches in the US. On the local front, plans for the Spring Carnival are underway. That event is slated for April 20, 10 am to 1 pm. Plans for the 2019 Derwood Farmers Market are also underway. The market opens April 27, and will run each Saturday through October 28 from 9 am to 1 pm. The team is in discussions with a ministry in Asia about a potential mission trip in summer 2019. Global Encounters is right around the corner, March 17-24, and we are excited to host an international worker who serves in Central Asia. Two of DAC’s visions are to develop a good reputation with our community and provide strategically for some of the needs of our community in a transformative way, as well as, pray, give, go, and send to the nations. If you would like to help brainstorm, organize, and guide DAC in this endeavor to be launched on mission, contact Jen Ashby about joining the missions team. Jen Ashby – [email protected] EXPLORERS CHILDREN'S MINISTRY A place for children to explore God’s world and Word and to make friends. Jesus said to his disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children,” (Luke 18). Want to come alongside our DAC parents and provide an opportunity for the younger generation to be introduced to Jesus? Contact Bethany Clemmons about joining the team. Bethany Clemmons - [email protected] VISION YOUTH MINISTRY A place to meet Jesus, continue to know Jesus & be encouraged to share Jesus. January started a study on God’s grace in Vision Youth as we dive into knowing Jesus more. The students and leaders have been learning from Francis Chan through the study, “Amazing Grace, Understanding God’s Love for Us,” on RightNow Media. God has been stirring up great questions and conversations at our Wednesday night gatherings! Our students at Vision Youth have an eagerness to know Jesus, and Vision leaders have the great responsibility to display Jesus to them. Come and be an encouragement to our students once a week as they face the daily pressures from school, social media, etc. Contact Tim Allen. Tim Allen – [email protected] SMALL GROUPS Our primary venue for making friends, inviting God's transformation through Scripture and prayer, and living on mission together. Six of our seven small groups have launched, and we have 72 unique people registered. This is a significant increase from recent semesters, and includes some people who have never before registered for a DAC small group, and also a few people who do not attend DAC on Sunday mornings. Some of our groups are pushing the limits of an optimal size, which is all the more motivation to keep multiplying groups. We are not just interested in quantity. We are also interested in quality, and we are praying that God uses our groups to help people make friends, become more like Jesus, and live on mission. Huge thanks to all our small group leaders, hosts, and coaches who make this ministry possible! Jen Ashby – [email protected] CONNECTIONS TEAM We desire authentic community and want to create space for transparency and real relationships. Whether you’re a regular attender or first-time guest, you always want to feel warmly welcomed. And knowing you are welcomed is the first step towards cultivating authentic community. If you enjoy inviting friends to your own home and meeting new people, consider joining this great team by contacting Wendy Geraci. Wendy Geraci – [email protected] BUILDINGS & GROUNDS TEAM God has given us a great location and property. We strive to be good stewards of these gifts. When God created the world, he brought order to the “formless and empty” earth. As humans, God then gave us the same task when he told us to “subdue” the earth. (Genesis 1) The B&G team does just that as they care for this property that God gifted DAC. If you enjoy working with your hands and seeing projects to completion, contact Mark Neely about joining the team. Also, mark your calendar for the next church work day on April 6. Mark Neely - [email protected] STAFF The staff manages ministry teams and meets weekly. That staff are currently going through a course called, “Breaking the 200 Barrier,” by Carey Nieuwhof. It has got us thinking about how we need to continue to grow as a team and church. ELDERS The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to DAC and meet on a monthly basis. The Elder Board has now begun to share the responsibility of communion on a monthly basis. You will begin to see different Elders leading this from month to month. We are always available to anoint and pray for the sick, just ask. Mark Trinkl – [email protected] BOARD OF GOVERNANCE (BOG) The Board of Governance (BOG) sets boundaries for the Pastor and meets minimum quarterly. The Board met in January to have longer discussions about policies and a name change. From that meeting came the approval of an Annual Ministry Commitment for Staff, Board, Elders and Ministry leaders. This is to proactively clarify expectations at a leadership level. The Board also has decided that a name change for the church would be helpful to eliminate confusion with another church in the area, position us to expand to multi-site, and better align with the mission and vision God has given us. No name has been decided on but we are praying for God to lead this process and are asking for input from you. The Board will meet again in March. Chairman Mark Trinkl – [email protected] Vice-Chairman Evan Homan – [email protected] All In – February 16, 9am-4:30pm
Meet the Staff – February 24, 11:45am-12:30pm Worship Night – March 8, 7pm-9pm Global Encounters – March 17-24 Church Work Day - April 6 |
October 2024
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