Note from Mark The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23 NLT) Lately I have been reminded again and again of God’s faithfulness through all the seasons. Whatever you are facing, God is faithful to take care of you. April was a wonderful month of ministry. The month began with the Spring carnival, and Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday was our largest attendance in over 10 years. Praise God. The week after the Farmers Market launched, we have seen many opportunities to pray and minister to our community as we show Jesus with our actions and share Jesus with our words. Would you take a moment and praise God for his faithfulness! MINISTRIESNeighborhood Kids Leader: Karin Sauder, [email protected] A safe place for children to meet Jesus, know Jesus & learn to share Jesus. What a wonderful and busy month April was! We launched into Spring with a Hosanna Parade on Palm Sunday. The next week we welcomed 840 people onto our property for our annual Spring Carnival, and God blessed us with an amazing day. Then we celebrated Easter together with a Victory Parade. He is Risen Indeed! Congratulations to Simone Tisdale who said her very first Yes to Jesus this month. We are looking forward to lighting her light box very soon. In NKids church our theme for the month was humility and putting others first, and our memory verse was Philippians 2:3. Neighborhood Youth Leader: Tim Allen, [email protected] A place for teens to meet Jesus, know Jesus & be encouraged to share Jesus. This month (April) Neighborhood Youth went through a series on the Characteristics of God that we find in the passage of Exodus 34:6; "COMPASSIONATE and GRACIOUS, SLOW TO ANGER, overflowing with LOYAL LOVE and FAITHFULNESS." We took 5 weeks to break down each of these characteristics and took a look at how we can have and demonstrate these same characteristics. At the end of the month the students were able to enjoy our District Youth Retreat in Goshen, VA. We had 15 students attend, many of which it was their first time at DYR. In total, there were a little over 300 students who attended DYR and it was amazing to see God's transformational work in the lives of these students. Worship & Production Team Leader: Mel Neely, [email protected] We are a diverse community of followers of Jesus Christ, empowered by His Spirit with one heart and one mind to invite and lead in declaring His worth. We will worship God as a way of life. (Colossians 3:17) The Neighborhood Church Worship & Production team continues to lift high the name of Jesus through our in person and online services. This month Mel Neely, Adaora, and Joseph Villacis led worship along with our dedicated team of instrumentalists and vocalists. We enjoyed leading extra songs of worship on Easter and boldly proclaiming, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, Worthy is the King who conquered the grave!” On Thursday evenings the team engaged with devotionals reinforcing our series on The Great Community and Stories of Transformation. These times were led by Eric Peacock, Adaora, Joseph Villacis, Donna Brown & Mel. We shared praises and prayer requests, praying for each other and over Neighborhood Church. We will miss Joseph Villacis as he moves to Colorado. He has been such a blessing to the team as he served by singing, leading songs, drumming, participating in the Derwood Market Music team (and so much more) over his 18 months with us at Neighborhood Church. Godspeed to you and your family, Joseph! Praise him with the tambourine and dancing; praise him with strings and flutes! Praise him with a clash of cymbals; praise him with loud clanging cymbals. Let everything that breathes sing praises to the LORD ! Praise the LORD ! Psalm 150: 4-6 Our Worship & Production team continues to thrive under the leadership of Jeff Geraci. We are thankful to have a truly multigenerational team with middle school, high school and adult volunteers working together to make our Sunday services in person and online possible. BECAUSE of God’s faithfulness, our Worship Team is living on mission as a multi-ethnic, multigenerational team being transformed by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit and inviting the Neighborhood Church family to be launched on mission with them! Neighborhood Groups Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] Our primary venue for making friends, inviting God's transformation through Scripture and prayer, and living on mission together. Neighborhood groups wrapped up for the semester and will begin again in September. We have added more connection points throughout the next couple of months through a book club for women and a once a month social for the church. This is also an opportunity for you to put your faith into action by serving at the farmers market or with other ministries. Find out more under volunteer opportunities on the website Missions Team Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] We are launched on mission to share and show Jesus from our neighbors to the nations. (Acts 1:8) The missions team met this last month to debrief how global encounters went, And evaluate support of different people. If you're interested in finding out more about missions, please talk to Pastor Mark SAVE THE DATE Fall Global Encounters October 13-15 Spring Global Encounters March 1-3 Welcome Team Leader: Contact Rose Ojwiga, [email protected] The Welcome Team appreciates everyone who helped with the Annual Spring Carnival and the launch of the 2023 season of our Derwood Farmers Market. To all of our visitors at church, thanks for coming and please feel free to make Neighborhood Church your home. Blessings! LEADERSHIPStaff Mark Trinkl, Tim Allen, Linnea Allen, Melanie Neely, Karin Sauder, Susan Scott, & Dana Zetterberg Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The staff manages Neighborhood Church ministry teams. The staff continues to meet on a regular basis for planning prayer and pursuing God's mission of seeing people transformed by Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit and launched on mission. Please continue to pray for all of us. Thank you, Erica Johns for filling in for Linnea while she was on maternity leave. We are very grateful for your help. Future Staffing: As we look to the future, we are still evaluating our staffing needs. There is money available in the budget to hire, but are still seeking and praying for clarity on our needs. Please pray with us. Elders Mark Trinkl, Evan Homan, Steve Beardsley, Mark Neely, Solomon Jack, Eric Peacock, Jeff Geraci, & Keith Luse Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to Neighborhood Church. The elders continue to meet on a monthly basis for prayer and spiritual care of people within the congregation.If there is anything you ever need prayer for, please let us know. We are here to support you. Board of Governance Mark Trinkl (Chair), Evan Homan (Vice Chair), Matt Sale (Treasurer), Sarah Luse (Secretary), Angela Drumm, Steve Beardsley, and Eric Peacock The Board of Governance (BOG) sets boundaries for the Pastor. The next Meeting is on June 12th. UPCOMING DATESMay 14: Mothers Day
May 20: Worship Night at GCC June 4: Meet the Staff June 18: Fathers Day June 25: Summer Social July 23: Pool Party August 20: Summer Social |
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