NOTE FROM PASTOR MARK As lead pastor, Pastor Mark leads the church within the boundaries set by the BOG. Can you believe two months into the school year and fast approaching the holiday season? It is incredible how life just keeps going. I hope in all that you face, you remember the goodness of God and his provision. In this last month, many things have happened at Derwood Alliance Church. We wrapped up our farmers market season and celebrated all God did. Small Groups have continued to meet around the topic welcome, opening your life to God and others. We finished 40 Days of Prayer for Spiritual Breakthru, and made the decision to change the name of the church to Neighborhood Church. We saw one lady say “yes” to Jesus for the first time, and so much more. I continue to pray for the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace in and around our church. My hope is that over the days, weeks, months and years, you will join us in seeing many people say “yes” to Jesus, experience God’s transformation, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and being launched on mission from our neighborhoods to the nations. To be a part of something bigger than you and with eternal results is worth it! PRAYER We want to pray eagerly as prayer is first about a relationship with God and second transforming our world. On October 18th, we concluded 40 Days of Prayer for Spiritual Breakthru, with a prayer and worship night. Throughout the 40 days, we prayed for spiritual breakthrough as a church and as individuals, and focused on 40 scripture passages as inspiration. Every Sunday, the prayer room next to the sanctuary is open during both services for anyone who would like to pray specifically over the services as they happen. Praises and prayer requests are sent out weekly from the Connect cards collected at each service, and if you would like a request to be sent out during the week, you can submit a prayer or praise on the church website from the prayer page under the connect tab. Joella Liddle – [email protected] Eric Liddle - [email protected] WORSHIP We want to worship in all we do as we are designed to worship God as a way of life. The worship and A/V team do a great job with providing an environment for people to fully engage with God and one another. The worship team is more and more reflecting our heart to be a multi-ethnic and multi-generational church! If you would like to be a part of helping others to fully engage in worship of Jesus, contact Hector Ayerdiz or Matthew Sutton. Hector Ayerdiz, Worship Director – [email protected] Matthew Sutton, A/V Team Leader – [email protected] MISSIONS The Missions Team helps launch us on mission. Our missions team directs our local and global efforts to #sharejesus and #showjesus. The team met on October 21 and clarified what we mean when we say that we want every partnership or missionary that we support to have a specific point person at our church. We are now seeking individuals, couples, or households who would like to serve in this way with specific missionaries. Locally, the Derwood Farmers Market closed its second season on October 26. October was spent preparing for the Market Celebration on November 2. We are planning on a third season in faith that God will provide a market volunteer coordinator on the church side of this partnership. Talk to Jen if you are interested in this role. The 2020 season will run from April 18 (right after Easter) to September 5 (Labor Day weekend). This will be our shortest season yet, but we believe this will work better with our ministry year. Globally, the Paris Missions Trip Team (April 2020) was finalized as: Jen Ashby, Luz Ragland, Cathy Boss, & Trudy Schwarz. This group met on October 19 for some orientation and fund and prayer raising planning. October was also spent planning for Tony Escalante's visit November 6-7. Tony is the site director of Envision El Salvador. Jen Ashby – [email protected] EXPLORERS CHILDREN'S MINISTRY A place for children to explore God’s world and Word and to make friends. We want our kids to learn to worship God and to love to do it! Explorers is working with the Worship Ministry to better incorporate worship through music in Explorers 1 & 2 large group on Sunday mornings. The target date for starting this is November 10. Explorers leadership also used October to plan for the holidays. On December 7 from 3pm-4:30pm, we'll have an Explorers Family Caroling Party to #showjesus #sharejesus and #loveyourneighbor while having fun! On December 29, we will have a "Together Sunday" with all ages in the sanctuary for a special family-friendly worship gathering. We truly are a multi-generational church! Bethany Clemmons - [email protected] VISION YOUTH MINISTRY A place to meet Jesus, continue to know Jesus & be encouraged to share Jesus. This past month, the students and leaders continued their study and discussion under the theme of “Meeting Jesus” from Vision Youth’s vision statement (Meet Jesus, Know Jesus, and Share Jesus). The RightNow Media’s video series, “Why Jesus?” with David Nasser was wrapped up and the group is now utilizing a study on the Gospel of Mark with teaching from Francis Chan. Tim Allen – [email protected] SMALL GROUPS Our primary venue for making friends, inviting God's transformation through Scripture and prayer, and living on mission together. Our seven small groups are wrapping up their gatherings on the topic of "Welcome: Opening our lives to God and others." Some of our groups have decided to meet for some additional gatherings before the end of the year. As groups conclude, participants are sent a survey about their experience. While we have a small sample size so far for this semester, 100% of those reporting say they made a new friend or deepened a friendship, 90% identified or took a next step of being transformed by Jesus, and 70% identified or took a next step of living on mission. Thank you to small group leaders and hosts who make this ministry possible. We are beginning to plan the winter/spring semester. Stay tuned for details. Jen Ashby – [email protected] CONNECTIONS MINISTRY We desire authentic community and want to create space for transparency and real relationships. Whether you’re a regular attender or new to the church, we want you to feel connected! And knowing you are welcomed is the first step towards cultivating authentic community. If you enjoy inviting friends to your own home and meeting new people, consider joining this great team by contacting Wendy Geraci. Wendy Geraci – [email protected] BUILDINGS & GROUNDS God has given us a great location and property. We strive to be good stewards of these gifts. Thank you to all who invest their time maintaining and improving the property. If you have interest in handy work and would like to be a part of this vital team, contact Mark Neely. Mark Neely - [email protected] LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT We continue to pursue apprenticing people in all areas of ministry. We desire to be a multiplying church, and to do this we must have a multiplying mindset of training and releasing more people into ministry. If you are not currently serving, we would love to help you discover your giftedness and where God would like to place you. Check out this page on our website. STAFF The staff manages ministry teams and meets weekly. The staff continues to meet on a regular basis for prayer and planning. We just finished the book, “Beginners Pluck,” from Liz Forkin Bohannon. We are also are in the process of finalizing goals for 2020 and believing God for greater things. Please pray alongside us that God will work in supernatural ways through DAC. ELDERS The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to DAC and meet on a monthly basis. There is a great group of Elders who are serving and praying for you faithfully. If you ever would like prayer for any reason, we would love to pray for you. Mark Trinkl – [email protected] BOARD OF GOVERNANCE (BOG) The Board of Governance (BOG) sets boundaries for the Pastor and meets minimum quarterly. The Board met with Elders and Ministry Leaders on October 14 to make a final decision on the name change. It was decided by a vast majority to change the name of the church to Neighborhood Church. There will be another Board on November 11 where we are updating our current constitution from an older to the most current and making sure our bylaws are in alignment. The bylaws will come to a congregational vote at the Annual Meeting in January. There is also another Board meeting on December 9th for budget approval. Please pray for all in leadership and the church for the unity of spirit and the bond of peace as we continue to discern God’s heart for DAC and beyond. Chairman Mark Trinkl – [email protected] Vice-Chairman Evan Homan – [email protected] Christmas Decorating - November 24, 10am & 11:30am
Paris Trip Pie Fundraiser - Order by November 25 MCCH Hot Meals – December 1, 5pm-6pm Explorers Family Caroling Party - December 7, 3pm-4:30pm MCCH Holiday Giving - Drop off gifts by December 8 Paris Trip Mickman Brothers Fundraiser – Order by December 18 Candlelight Christmas Eve Service - December 24, 4pm-5pm Together Sunday - December 29 |
October 2024
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