Note from Pastor Mark As lead pastor, Pastor Mark leads the church within the boundaries set by the BOG. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. (2 Corinthians 4:7 NLT) Over the last weeks as I have simply showed up at the Farmers Market to volunteer, been friendly and been open to having gospel conversations with our neighbors, it has been amazing. The way our community has embraced the market, the joy with which volunteers are serving, and the level of openness to spiritual conversations is great. What a privilege to partner with God in his supernatural work through people like you and I. As followers of Jesus, we have been given an incredible gift of salvation, but it is not only for us! We are empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring his transformation to the world around us. My hope for each of you is to be those “clay jars” launched on mission. Thank you for being a part of God’s transformation in our area. Let’s keep praying and planning for a minimum of 12 people to have Jesus transform their lives for the first time this year through DAC. So far, we have seen two. Praise God! I believe the best is yet to come. Prayer (Praying for a Team Leader) We desire to be a church that prays eagerly. For this year we have 12 prayer initiatives as we pray for God’s transformative work and a minimum of 12 people to have Jesus transform their lives. So far, we have seen two. In the month of April, we took time for a prayer walk around the church as we prepared for the market. In May, we participated in The Gathering and prayed with churches across the district for God’s transformative work in both the National Capital Region and around the world. Let’s keep praying! During our Sunday Gatherings, the prayer room is open to go and pray by yourself or with others. We are also seeking out a point person to raise the temperature of prayer in and beyond DAC. Would you consider being this person? If you are interested, please contact Pastor Mark. Pastor Mark - [email protected] Worship Team The Music and A/V team provide a quality and distraction free environment to worship Jesus Christ. On May 27, those attending the Sunday Gatherings had the joy of being led in worship by a handful of our Vision Youth students. At DAC, we want to be a multigenerational church and what a great reminder of this vision! Both the A/V and worship teams are always open to adding more techs and musicians. If you have any interest in joining the worship team, contact Hector Ayerdiz. If you’d enjoy the A/V side of the Sunday Gatherings, contact Matthew Sutton. Hector Ayerdiz – [email protected] Matthew Sutton – [email protected] Missions Team The Missions Team helps launch us on mission. Local: We continue to serve around Montgomery County. April 21 was the grand opening of Derwood’s weekly community Farmers Market here on DAC’s property. It has been a great opportunity to serve and connect with our neighbors. Response to the market from neighbors and vendors is overwhelmingly positive, and the market is ripe with opportunities to make connections and build relationships. Prayerfully consider making volunteering at the market once a month a regular part of your summer calendar. Contact Clint Musser to be scheduled. Also, DAC sponsored the Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless' annual Gala on May 3 for the third year in a row. This year, DAC was represented by Pastor Mark Trinkl, Jen Ashby, Sarah Luse, Luz Ragland, and Aubry Simmons. The theme of the gala was "Honoring Our First Responders" who are in frequent contact with our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Global: The 2018 missions team to Paris prepares to launch on June 22. Also, Andrew Black will be co-leading the November mission trip to El Salvador with Emily Harr. This trip is open to adults and teens. Contact Emily Harr for more information. Laura Hessler - [email protected] Clint Musser - [email protected] Emily Harr - [email protected] Explorers Children’s Ministry Children are at the prime age for connecting with Jesus, and we love engaging them with prime ministry! Bethany Clemmons led her first meeting as Director of Children's Ministry on May 20 with Explorers Children's Ministry team leaders, teachers, and supervisors on duty. The two topics for the meeting were 1: moving to centralized check in for children on Sunday mornings to increase safety and security and 2: reinvigorating the children's "offering" to go towards something tangible for under-resourced people. Both items were well received. Stay tuned! Bethany Clemmons - [email protected] Vision Youth Ministry Vision Youth is a vital part of training up the younger generation of disciples and leaders. Vision Youth had a great turn out for our District Youth Retreat at the end of April. It was the largest group DAC has brought in many years. While at the retreat, Ken Castor, our speaker for the weekend, challenged the students to think about “growing down” into Christ so that they might be rooted in him. This led to some great conversations during small group discussion times. The Wednesday night gatherings have continued to be highly attended as students have invited more friends. Starting in May, the group began a series on eternity. Tim Allen – [email protected] Small Groups Small groups are a great place to make friends, pray, study the Bible, and live on mission. The eight week Emotionally Healthy Relationships course got started on May 2 with 19 people involved in the course. This updated course by Pete and Geri Scazzerro is all about gaining practical skills to actually fulfill the command of loving others well. The combination of content and practice is challenging and exciting! Jen Ashby – [email protected] Connections Team At DAC, we value authentic community and our Connections Team plays a big part in connecting us in community. The Connections Ministry thanks Clint Musser for his great service as Usher Team Leader over the past year. As Clint steps down as leader to focus on his new role as the volunteer coordinator for the Farmer's Market, we welcome Corey Clemmons as the new Usher Team leader and thank him for his willingness to step into this role. We will still see Clint serving on the Usher Team on Sunday mornings. Wendy Geraci – [email protected] Building and Grounds God has given us a great location and property and we strive to be good stewards of these gifts. On April 8th we had a church work day. Thank you for all who came out to help We desire to have a physical location that enhances our neighborhood and attracts people to Jesus. If you are interested in helping care for our property, contact Mark Neely. Mark Neely - [email protected] We are actively pursuing and apprenticing new leaders. We desire to be a church that empowers people into servant leadership positions. If you are interested in discovering how you can use your gifts in abilities at DAC, please let us know. Staff The staff manages ministry and meets weekly. The staff continues to meet on a regular basis to pray, plan, and pursue after the mission of being a multi- ethnic, multi-generational church being transformed by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit and launched on mission. Elders The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to DAC. DAC’s elders meet monthly for a time of prayer and discussion on how to best provide care for the church. Please pray with us. Also, if you ever need prayer, please let the Elders know through your Sunday Prayer Card. They would love to pray for and with you. Current Elders: Mark Trinkl, Evan Homan, Eric Zetterberg, Steve Beardsley, Kyle Ott, Andrew Black, and Mark Neely Mark Trinkl – [email protected] Board of Governance (BOG) The Board of Governance sets boundaries for the Pastor and meets quarterly. The next board meeting is June 11 where we will be discussing the church wide assessment on September 7-9. We will also be talking about updating the Guiding Principles and Accountability and Support. Current BOG: Mark Trinkl (Chairman), Evan Homan (Vice Chair), Jim Mullen (Treasurer), Eric Zetterberg (Secretary), Andrew Black, Steve Beardsley, Sarah Luse, Trudy Schwarz. Evan Homan – [email protected] Summer Lock In – June 8-9, 9pm-9am
Help the Homeless Community Walk – June 10 MCCH Hot Meal – June 10, 5:30pm-6:30pm Paris Mission Trip – June 21-July 2 Derwood Farmers Market – Saturdays, April 21-September 29 |
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