Note from Mark Even though the first day of Autumn is not till September 22nd, the end of summer is officially Labor Day weekend. For those who are in school or have family in school, this time of year is a changing of schedules and for all of us, it is a change of season. My prayer for you, in this season of life, is to encounter Jesus in a fresh new way. Where life has become dull and drab, may color return. Where sickness and pain have taken root, may healing come and may you drink deeply from the streams of living water. “On the last day, the climax of the festival, Jesus stood and shouted to the crowds, “Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’” (John 7:37-38) MINISTRIESNeighborhood Kids Leader: Karin Sauder, [email protected] A safe place for children to know Jesus, grow in Jesus & learn to go share Jesus. Neighborhood Kids finished out the summer by talking about the virtue of “Love”. We discussed God’s great love for us and how he sent Jesus to show us how much He loves us. We also talked about how we can show love to each other. We even participated in collecting school supplies for Candlewood Elementary students to show them that God loves them and we love them too! We had our last Farmer’s Market Kids Tent on August 27th and met even more people from our community. And best of all, three of our Neighborhood Kids said “Yes” to Jesus for the first time….welcome to God’s family Abby Bverkema, Josiah Guglielmini, and Savannah Banks! We had many new friends join us this summer, and we are very excited for the school year to start. Neighborhood Youth Leader: Tim Allen, [email protected] A place for teens to meet Jesus, know Jesus & be encouraged to share Jesus. Neighborhood Youth took time off from our weekly gatherings for the month of August. The leaders, however, gathered together for a dinner to brainstorm, plan & pray for this next season of Neighborhood Youth! Neighborhood Groups Leader: Jen Ashby, [email protected] Our primary venue for making friends, inviting God's transformation through Scripture and prayer, and living on mission together. We enjoyed a fun summer social at King Farm Park, organized by the Homans on August 21. And registration for our fall group semester has opened! Our groups are for making friends, experiencing transformation, and living on mission with others. All our groups begin the week of September 11, and will be unpacking our Sunday morning series, "Living Free." For more information about why and how we do groups, and to see the options for fall: Missions Team Leader: Jen Ashby, [email protected] We are launched on His mission from our neighborhoods to the nations. (Acts 1:8)
Welcome Team Leader: Contact Rose Ojwiga, [email protected] We will be a community that is authentic, transparent & creates space for real relationships (Acts 2:42) Almost every Sunday, we have first time guests at Neighborhood Church, in addition to newer and regular attenders. When they pull in, welcome flags are out, doors are unlocked, lights are on, someone is here to greet them and answer their questions, and after the service, hot coffee is waiting. This is the work of the Welcome Team, who we appreciate so much. LEADERSHIPStaff Mark Trinkl, Jen Ashby, Tim Allen, Linnea Allen, Melanie Neely, Karin Sauder & Dana Zetterberg Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The staff manages Neighborhood Church ministry teams. The staff of Neighborhood Church has transitioned into the fall semester with the start of Neighborhood groups, Neighborhood Youth, and the finish of the market. We continue to pray and look for ways to show Jesus with our actions and share Jesus with our words and encourage others to do the same in all ages, stage and places. Elders Mark Trinkl, Evan Homan, Steve Beardsley, Mark Neely, Jim Mullen & Keith Luse Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to Neighborhood Church. As elders, we are committed to pray and shepherd this congregation through whatever seasons of life. Once a month we have communion and a time of healing prayer in the service. We are also willing to pray for you whenever you ask. Board of Governance (BOG) Mark Trinkl, Evan Homan, Steve Beardsley, Sarah Luse, Matt Sale, Angela Drumm, Jim Mullen Chairman: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] Vice-Chairman: Evan Homan, [email protected] The Board of Governance (BOG) sets boundaries for the Pastor. The Board met on September 12 for their quarterly meeting. The focus of the meeting was monitoring performance and leadership development. Finances were discussed and the budget verses giving was reviewed with a projected shortfall of $50,000 by the end of the year. If you consider Neighborhood Church your home, we would have you consider tithing (giving the first 10% of your income back to God) and setting up reoccurring giving through our website ( The Board discussed the Farmers Market and also is looking towards next season. The Board also approved 3 weeks off per year for Pastor Mark to pursue a Doctorate at Fuller Theological Seminary over the next four years. UPCOMING DATESPEAK Assessment Beginning October 1, the church will be conducting the PEAK assessment ( We continue to look how God is wanting us to become more effective for his kingdom purposes and hope you will participate as more details come out. Leadership Retreat From October 28-30 The Board, Elders, Staff, and families are headed to Summit Grove on a leadership retreat. This will be a time of refreshment and also working through part of the Peak assessment. Please pray for a rich time with God and one another. September 25: Meet the Staff Lunch
October 15: Trunk or Treat & Petting Zoo October 15, 16 & 22: Global Encounters Comments are closed.
October 2024
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