NOTE FROM MARK “When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.” - Romans 1:12 As we have taken this journey together with the series, “Follow and Formed,” and as I have led a Neighborhood group and listened to stories from others, I have been encouraged by the work God is doing in people’s lives as they wrestle with what it means to follow Jesus and have our lives formed around him. I am so grateful for the openness people have to allow God in more to their lives and experiment with spiritual practices. My prayer is that, as a church, we will be willing to be people who respond to God’s work and allow his freedom in our lives to do what he wills. I believe this will be a mutual encouragement. I want to be encouraged by your faith, and I hope you are encouraged by mine. MINISTRIES NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS Leader: Karin Sauder, [email protected] A safe place for children to meet Jesus, know Jesus & learn to share Jesus. We hope everyone’s school year has gotten off to a great start! Our fall launch on Sunday Sept. 8 was bittersweet as we launched up two of our Neighborhood Kids to Neighborhood Youth: Victor Frank and Simonne Wong. But we also celebrated our amazing Neighborhood Kids volunteers by commissioning them for another year of service, and then honoring them at our annual volunteer brunch! While we are at it, we want to welcome our newest volunteer, Leo Rydlun, to our team as a Big Kid Teacher! The Little Kids have been enjoying lessons about Noah and the Ark, and the Big Kids are nearly done with their What’s in the Bible curriculum! Changes are ahead as we look to the new curriculum in 2025! We had one more Kid’s Tent at the market to wrap up the summer; thank you to Sharon Neff and Nurten Karasen for volunteering for that time. Lastly, our kid’s discipleship group is back for another session! There is a lot happening this fall and we are looking forward to a wonderful time of learning and community in Neighborhood Kids! NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH Leader: Tim Allen, [email protected] A place for teens to meet Jesus, know Jesus & be encouraged to share Jesus. Neighborhood Youth kicked off September with our Fall Kick Off. This event had great attendance as students looked forward to the upcoming semester. The youth are working through a series that follows the same platform of the Sunday morning messages on, “Practicing the Way.” WORSHIP & PRODUCTION TEAM Leader: Mel Neely, [email protected] We are a diverse community of followers of Jesus Christ, empowered by His Spirit with one heart and one mind to invite and lead in declaring His worth. The Neighborhood Church Worship & Production team continues to lift high the name of Jesus through our in person and online services. This month Mel Neely and Adaora led worship during our Sunday services along with our dedicated team of instrumentalists and vocalists. We introduced a theme song for our Follow & Formed sermon series called, “The Jesus Way”. On Thursday evenings, the team engaged with devotionals encouraging each other to look full on the wonderful face of Jesus by incorporating the Follow & Formed Neighborhood Groups material. We shared praises and prayer requests, praying for each other and over Neighborhood Church. Save the date for Saturday, October 5 from 9am to 1pm when our Worship & Production Team will provide music at the Derwood Mark Finale! Praise him with the tambourine and dancing; praise him with strings and flutes! Praise him with a clash of cymbals; praise him with loud clanging cymbals. Let everything that breathes sing praises to the LORD ! Praise the LORD ! Psalm 150: 4-6 We are thankful to have a truly multigenerational team with middle school, high school and adult volunteers working together to make our Sunday services in person and online possible. We are excited about the addition of new team members! Natalie is up and running with presentation. Devin and Natalie continue to come out to practices and are in the process of learning the sound board with Bryan. Jeff is also onboarding Jonathan Homan to serve on Presentation for the next several months. Solomon is in the process of training two new members, Theo and Brad for the Live Stream Team as well. God is bringing workers to serve Him and we continue to pray for more! BECAUSE of God’s faithfulness, our Worship & Production Team is living on mission as a multi-ethnic, multigenerational team being transformed by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit and inviting the Neighborhood Church family to be launched on mission with them! NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS Leader: Pam Homan, Matt Sale & Mark Trinkl, [email protected] A place for making friends, inviting God's transformation through Scripture and prayer, and being launched on mission together. In the month of September, we started our fall Neighborhood Group series based on the book "Practicing the Way," by John Mark Comer. Neighborhood Groups are studying this material in parallel with the Sunday morning messages. Praise God we have over 80 adults participating in seven different Neighborhood groups this semester: one group that meets on Zoom and six groups that meet in person, including a group specific for young adults. Please pray that group members would step into the material that we are studying and seek to learn and grow into a deeper relationship through weekly practices that draw us closer to Jesus so we can become his apprentices in order that we can be with him, become like him and do as he did. It's not too late to join a group! Please see the church website to see which groups are still open for membership. GREEN HOUSE CHURCH PLANT Devin Calhoun, [email protected] Neighborhood Church Vision: Launch Multiple Gatherings in Multiple Locations (Acts 2:42-47) This month has been another great month here at Neighborhood Church. I continued meeting with the C&MA Mid-Atlantic District Church Planting Director for mentorship and training. This month, I went to National Community Church in Washington D.C for the Renew Conference: a time for Pastors, Church Planters, Christian artists, and Christian entrepreneurs to lean into building a vision for the future. This September in the Christian Missionary Alliance was Church Planting month and here at Neighborhood, we have been participating with praying and walking through potential neighborhoods for the future Church Plant. While the end of September is the end of Church Planting Month, it is only the beginning of our Church Planting journey as we seek to plant another Christ-centered community in September of 2025. Click here to commit to praying for this Church Planting effort and sign up for the monthly Church Planting Newsletter. MISSIONS TEAM Leader: Natalie, [email protected] To see the people of Neighborhood Church launched on mission to share and show Jesus from our neighbors to the nations. (Acts 1:8)
WELCOME TEAM Leader: Contact Rose Ojwiga, [email protected] We will be a community that is authentic, transparent & creates space for real relationships (Acts 2:42) As a welcome team, we are very happy to receive visitors and see a good turn up of attendees in the month of September. Prayer for more people to join the church. LEADERSHIP STAFF
Mark Trinkl, Tim Allen, Linnea Allen, Melanie Neely, Karin Sauder, Devin Calhoun, Natalie & Dana Zetterberg Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The staff manages Neighborhood Church’s ministry teams. The Staff continues to meet on a regular basis. Now that we are into the full swing of fall ministries, there is a lot happening. We are praying God uses all of this to continue to transform people’s lives and our community. ELDERS Mark Trinkl, Steve Beardsley, Mark Neely, Solomon Jack, Eric Peacock, Jeff Geraci, Tedd Mueller, Eric Zetterberg Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to Neighborhood Church. The Elders continue to meet on a monthly basis for prayer and spiritual care of people within the congregation. We are so grateful to be able to shepherd this congregation. If there is anything you ever need prayer for, please let us know. We are here to support you. BOARD OF GOVERNANCE Mark Trinkl (Chair),Steve Beardsley (Vice Chair), Matt Sale (Treasurer), Sarah Luse (Secretary), Angela Drumm, Eric Peacock, and Ted Mueller. The Board of Governance (BOG) sets boundaries for the Pastor. The Board met on September 9th to talk through the pastoral review and accountability, finances, church planting plan, and more. Please continue to pray for this group of leaders as we discern God’s direction for the church. The next Board meeting is December 9th. |
October 2024
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