NOTE FROM MARK As summer winds down and the fall quickly approaches, I am excited for this next season of ministry. The sermon series we are in, “Follow and Formed”, along with studying John Mark Comer’s book, “Practicing the Way,” in our Neighborhood Groups, looks to be a rich time to grow in relationship with God and others. I am also excited for Neighborhood Youth, Neighborhood Kids, the Derwood Farmers Market, the Fall Festival, the mission trip to Bangkok, and so much more. It is a great time to be a part of Neighborhood Church, and I hope to see you connecting with God and others in multiple ways! UPCOMING DATES September: Church Planting Month September 29: Together Sunday October 5: Last Day of the Market October 19: Free Fall Festival MINISTRIES NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS Leader: Karin Sauder, [email protected] A safe place for children to meet Jesus, know Jesus & learn to share Jesus. JULY: Our Little Kids continued to study the miracles of Jesus in their “Jesus Fixed It!”curriculum, while the Big Kids studied the books of the major and minor prophets in “What’s in the Bible”. We had a wonderful kid’s tent at the market, as well; thank you Karina Homan and Nurten Karasen for heading that up this month. Our Neighborhood Kids also enjoyed a splashing and soaking good time at the Neely’s Summer Social pool party! The Empower Launch Sunday highlighted the Neighborhood Kids ministry this month, and we are hoping to welcome several new teachers for the coming year. Look for our quarterly Neighborhood Parents newsletter, The Park Bench, to come out in August with a new calendar, curriculum updates, and more! Stay cool! AUGUST: Our summer Neighborhood Kids season is winding down, and we are looking forward to welcoming back many of our kids that we haven’t seen in a while. In August we saw a beautiful renovation of our Big Kids room, with brand new carpeting! We are so happy with it. We had our monthly kids tent at the Market; thank you to Sharon Neff and Salma Jack for volunteering for this! Neighborhood Kids also enjoyed our final summer picnic social here at the church, and several of our creative kids entered the baking contest! Delicious! We are looking forward to our Fall Launch in September…see you there! NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH Leader: Tim Allen, [email protected] A place for teens to meet Jesus, know Jesus & be encouraged to share Jesus. JULY: The youth continued their Bible Project video studies in July which took a look at different themes that run through scripture. It was great to hear the discussions that followed each video & the ways students shared how they grew in their understanding of the story of the Bible. We also said our goodbyes to Landon Neely as he graduated from High School. We are grateful for him and his leadership to Neighborhood Youth as a student leader over the years! AUGUST: Neighborhood Youth took a break from their regular Tuesday gatherings for the month of August. The leadership team continued to meet regularly to pray & plan for the upcoming season. The youth still got together for some fun events like a movie night, ZavaZone & a campout! We’re excited & looking forward to the Fall Kick Off! WORSHIP & PRODUCTION TEAM Leader: Mel Neely, [email protected] We are a diverse community of followers of Jesus Christ, empowered by His Spirit with one heart and one mind to invite and lead in declaring His worth. JULY: The Neighborhood Church Worship & Production team continues to lift high the name of Jesus through our in person and online services. This month Mel Neely and Adaora led worship during our Sunday services along with our dedicated team of instrumentalists and vocalists. We welcomed Amanda Patton to the team as a new vocalist! The team introduced a new song called “All My Thank Yous” on July 24. Take a listen here: On Thursday evenings, the team engaged with devotionals encouraging each other to look full on the wonderful face of Jesus. These times were led by Mel and Honna Trinkl. Amanda Patton shared her Jesus Story with the team. Ask Amanda to share it with you! We shared praises and prayer requests, praying for each other and over Neighborhood Church. On July 13, the team had the beautiful opportunity to sing and play over the Derwood Market. Adaora brought praises to the market the next Saturday, July 20. Come join the team as we lift high the Name of Jesus at the Derwood Market again on Saturday, August 17. We would love to see you there. AUGUST: The Neighborhood Church Worship & Production team continues to lift high the name of Jesus through our in person and online services. This month Mel Neely, Adaora and Jen and Dave Hawley led worship during our Sunday services along with our dedicated team of instrumentalists and vocalists. We were also excited to incorporate a visual worship artist, Kristen Sauder! She drew a beautiful picture during our worship set on August 25 that reinforced the Spirit’s work through worship and prayer. Thank you Kristen for stepping out in this arena! On Thursday evenings the team engaged with devotionals encouraging each other to look full on the wonderful face of Jesus. These times were led by Mel and Eric. Grace Ng shared her Jesus Story with the team. It was a beautiful reminder of God’s work all over the world! We shared praises and prayer requests, praying for each other and over Neighborhood Church. Save the date for Saturday, October 5 from 9 am to 1 pm when our Worship & Production Team will provide music at the Derwood Mark Finale! Praise him with the tambourine and dancing; praise him with strings and flutes! Praise him with a clash of cymbals; praise him with loud clanging cymbals. Let everything that breathes sing praises to the LORD ! Praise the LORD! Psalm 150: 4-6 We are thankful to have a truly multigenerational team with middle school, high school and adult volunteers working together to make our Sunday services in person and online possible. Joel Sauder and Landon Neely left for college and we will miss their presence running sound, on presentation and Live Stream each week. They both plan to serve during their college breaks. Thank you, Joel and Land! We are excited about the addition of Natalie and Devin on the team! They came out to practices and are continuing the process of learning the sound board with Bryan and Proclaim with Jeff. Jeff is also onboarding Jonathan Homan to serve on Presentation for the next several months. Solomon is in the process of training two new members, Theo and Brad for the Live Stream Team as well. God is bringing workers to serve Him! BECAUSE of God’s faithfulness, our Worship & Production Team is living on mission as a multi-ethnic, multigenerational team being transformed by Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit and inviting the Neighborhood Church family to be launched on mission with them! NEIGHBORHOOD GROUPS Leader: Pam Homan, Matt Sale & Mark Trinkl, [email protected] A place for making friends, inviting God's transformation through Scripture and prayer, and being launched on mission together. JULY: The women's summer book club continued to meet and discuss "Pathways to the King, Living a Life of Spiritual Renewal and Power.” We use the time together to also pray for one another and the needs of Neighborhood Church. Neighborhood Triads continued during the month of July. Triads are intended to foster intentional relationships with three people and Jesus as part of the Discipleship Pathway to have holistically healthy (head, heart, hands) disciples of Jesus who multiply disciples and churches. The July Summer Social was a well-attended summer social/pool party at the Neely's. Thank you for hosting, Neely family! The final summer social will be held on August 18, a potluck picnic and baking contest held at the Neighborhood Church Villa from 4:00-7:00 p.m. See the Neighborhood Church website for more details and to RSVP. AUGUST: The women's summer book club concluded the study of "Pathways to the King, Living a Life of Spiritual Renewal and Power". These women grew together in studying this book and also supporting one another through prayer. Neighborhood Triads also concluded during the month of August. This was the first time we held Triads at Neighborhood Church and it was a great way to stay connected during the summer months with 1-2 others who were looking to continue to grow in their relationship with others and Jesus. The final summer social was a bake off and picnic that took place on August 18 on the church property. Congratulations to the baking contestants, especially the Patton Family for coming in first place! A fund raiser was also held for the Thailand missions' trip and we enjoyed watching Pastor Mark and Pastor Tim getting "pied"! September will see the start of Neighborhood Groups for the fall. Neighborhood groups will parallel the Sunday morning messages. Join us for 8-10 weeks as we go through, "Practicing the Way," by John Mark Comer. Please see the church website to sign up for a Neighborhood Group! GREEN HOUSE CHURCH PLANT Devin Calhoun, [email protected] Neighborhood Church Vision: Launch Multiple Gatherings in Multiple Locations (Acts 2:42-47) JULY: July has been another amazing month here at Neighborhood Church. In the world of Church Planting I continued to meet with coaches and other church planters from around the country learning and discerning how the Lord will use Neighborhood Church to plant another Christ-centered community here in Montgomery County. We also were able to process and utilize valuable insights from our survey which you all were integral in helping us gather. The Young Adults Group continued to meet and even got the chance to have fun at a local escape room. And finally the Deerwood Farmer’s Market continues to be a place where we get to serve our community and interact with people for the Gospel. There is always great food, great people and great fun! AUGUST: I continued to meet with Church Planting coaches and a church planting cohort to continue training and gaining valuable tools in the world of Church Planting. At the beginning of this month I had the blessing of attending the Church Planting BASICS Conference. It was a four day bootcamp entirely focused on church planting. We also had the final social gathering for Young Adults this summer which was an amazing time. I am so excited that we will be launching a Young Adult Small group this Fall so that we can stay connected and point each other towards Jesus. We also had another wonderful month at the Derwood Farmer’s Market seeing the community connected with fun and wonderful music. There is only about a month left in the market this season so if you haven’t experienced volunteering make sure to sign up soon! MISSIONS TEAM Leader: Natalie, [email protected] To see the people of Neighborhood Church launched on mission to share and show Jesus from our neighbors to the nations. (Acts 1:8) JULY: The month of July has been exciting in the world of missions! We have our team for our upcoming trip to Bangkok, Thailand and we have begun a few fundraisers. Please be in prayer for our Neighborhood Team, as well as Envision Bangkok, Deeper Life Church, and unreached Thais as we prepare for our time there. Thank you, church, for all your support! AUGUST: In regards to global missions at Neighborhood, our Thailand Team is in full swing for fundraising! We appreciate all of your support and prayers! Please continue to pray for us as well as Envision:Bangkok. Local missions have changed a little bit with the MCCH Breakfast schedule and we also continue to partner with the Shady Grove Pregnancy Center. Please be in prayer for our local partners as well as we pray that the name of Jesus would be known from our neighborhoods to the nations! WELCOME TEAM Leader: Contact Rose Ojwiga, [email protected] We will be a community that is authentic, transparent & creates space for real relationships (Acts 2:42) JULY: The month of July seems to have gone very fast. We received many visitors at the church and the Welcome Team has been amazing as usual interacting with the visitors and the church members. AUGUST: All has been inline with God's promises. We received visitors and two church members have registered to join the Welcome Team. LEADERSHIP STAFF
Mark Trinkl, Tim Allen, Linnea Allen, Melanie Neely, Karin Sauder, Devin Calhoun, Natalie & Dana Zetterberg Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The staff manages Neighborhood Church’s ministry teams. It has been a good summer of many different rhythms around the office. The staff has diligently planned for fall and are looking forward to all God has in store. Please keep us in your prayers as we invest time in God’s kingdom-purposes from the neighborhood to the nations. ELDERS Mark Trinkl, Steve Beardsley, Mark Neely, Solomon Jack, Eric Peacock, Jeff Geraci, Tedd Mueller, Eric Zetterberg Leader: Mark Trinkl, [email protected] The Elders shepherd and give spiritual oversight to Neighborhood Church. The Elders continue to meet on a monthly basis for prayer and spiritual care of people within the congregation. We are so grateful to be able to shepherd this congregation. If there is anything you ever need prayer for, please let us know. We are here to support you. BOARD OF GOVERNANCE Mark Trinkl (Chair),Steve Beardsley (Vice Chair), Matt Sale (Treasurer), Sarah Luse (Secretary), Angela Drumm, Eric Peacock, and Ted Mueller. The Board of Governance (BOG) sets boundaries for the Pastor. The Board met on June 10th to talk through accountability, finances, church planting, and more. Please continue to pray for this group of leaders as we discern God’s direction for the church. The next Board meeting is September 9th. |
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