Hello Church!
As mentioned on Sunday morning, I wanted to communicate our plans in regard to those attending our worship service in person. It has been a challenging season, but I greatly appreciate your patience, faithful service, and loving consideration of others during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we move forward, we have exciting and hopeful news as we continue to move back towards a full reopening and normalcy. For some, this may feel a bit slow; for others, it’s a bit too fast. Our hope and prayer is that we might be, as the Apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 4:3, “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” as we take these steps towards gathering fully together once again. New Mask Policy In accordance with the CDC, Governor Hogan and the Montgomery County government, as of Friday May 28th Montgomery County have lifted the mask mandate for individuals who are immunized, whether through vaccination or prior confirmed infection. Those persons may come to the church and participate without a mask. This includes any activities held on Neighborhood Church’s campus in addition to our worship services. Please note that we respect your medical privacy and will not be asking if people are vaccinated. You are welcome to share at your discretion, but please respect the privacy of others as well. Parents should consider having their children wear masks at indoor services and other events but this will be left to the discretion of the parents. Please note, that CDC policy still is to have children in school wear masks. Please keep in mind that we may have people who may not yet be fully immunized and those who do not feel comfortable to be near unmasked persons. In love and understanding, We ask that those enjoying the freedom of unmasked attendance help with the 6-ft social distancing provision and consider bringing a mask with you to wear when talking with your masked friends. Of course, you are also free to wear a mask and sit anywhere. County, State, and CDC guidelines can change frequently, and we will regularly monitor any developments and adjust as necessary. We ask for your grace and are grateful for all who call Neighborhood church home. Grace and Peace, Pastor Mark Trinkl Summary of Changes
February 2022
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